GIT ignore globally a file

23 februarie 2018 0

You might have files in multiple project (which are version controled) with the same name, or you use to create some general files. Those you…

In installerul modului presupunem ca ati creat un tabel – $installer = $this; $installer->startSetup(); $moduleTableName = $installer->getTable('mymodule/mymodule'); if($installer->getConnection()->isTableExists($moduleTableName) != true) { $table = $installer->getConnection() ->newTable($moduleTableName);…

Cauta in pachetul tau de tema magento /app/design/frontend/your_interface/your_theme/layout/ fisierul local.xml local.xml 1 2 3 < ?xml version=„1.0”?> <layout version=„0.1.0”> </layout> ATENTIE! Trebuiesc sterse tagurile <default></default>…